Any candidate who wishes to seek admission to the school must get his/her name registered at the school office.

The student's performance in a written test followed by an interview, will decide his admission to the class to which he/she seeks admission. The written test will be based on the syllabus of the previous class, according to our school standard.

A child should be between 2 yrs 6 months and 3 yrs 6 months as on 1st April of the year for admission to Nursery and 1 year 6 months to 2 years for pre Nursery. ( Play Way )

A birth certificate from the legal authorities showing the date of birth should be produced at the time of admission. A photo copy of the same will be required to be handed over to the school authorities , along with two passport size photographs.
Students who are coming from other schools / boards will have to submit transfer/migration certificate from the previous school. The admission procedure will be considered complete only after the student has been issued an identity card by the school. The card will be issued only when the student paid all the dues and has completed all other formalities.